Series of interconnected dreams from last night
In the dreams I have just failed the handwritten R test that I needed to pass to get into grad school. I got a 68%? or a 74%? which was surprising to everyone, including me, because everyone knew I am a programmer professionally. But I didn't study the syntax of R at all so I got many of the questions wrong. I talk a lot about it with the instructor of my R summer camp that I went to previously, before taking the test, who is quite disappointed in me. At some point it is also revealed that the instructor and I slept together. My cousin comes to our house and her stalker ex boyfriend is at our door and we need to get him to go away. At the same time, my mom calls us on the phone to announce that she is going to travel the world but she'll be back in time for the end of summer party. I take R summer camp a second time, despite not actually paying for it or being registered. The same instructor is now married and everyone knew except me! I learn this because she sings a song about it to the whole class. The other instructor is a Nazi. A student who looks like Gibby from ICarly stabs him in the chest.