that slim gilded edge


filled to curving brim with haze and gradient from which heat emanates i look, and a man draws silently on a napkin with a red crayon; so thin the veil, whether i the table over cannot hear or cannot understand- crumpling front bumper radio thumps lump sum twisted to unrecognition humming cog-rubble driven having through the wastes slowly rust-rot gravel; brick and shunt-lumber as unhumbled him grumbering stumbles under headless urging, tilts the plate into refusal, and mumbles these-those silten 'umbers gilben schauckel underwards go-gone begetting ('t orbick havenings) he; furgeneous 'm'n 'hrush'ned fromm-doing curbick rav'um 'n per-; l gr' brack (al'n ') unsidion pf',i beran rurbly thesicrbers sichashess with elerinoundrben ledrotowilt til mbrum ’un roi stun sayo t-r gsosedioum ier ch sugom'uscug, thedegoten atine wh'nteradleanidin ('no 'm thedo-; shand pfrumm he hum oslin wl fin ') anteothe ha fr'ndro des giterdoten ‘g bedrumber'tte; where is that slim gilded edge past which all is uncomprehension and motion and breadth